Finding A Qualified Trichologist
Finding A Qualified Trichologist
All registered members of The Institute of Trichologists are fully qualified and are bound by the Institutes strict Code of Professional Practice and Ethics. Qualified and registered members of The Institute of Trichologists (and only qualified and registered members of the Institute) are entitled to use the letters AIT, MIT or FIT after their names (designating respectively, an Associate Member, Member of Fellow of the Institute). Newly qualified trichologists are known as Graduates of the Institute and are not yet entitled to letters after their names.But they are all qualified trichologists and all will have certificates issued by The Institute of Trichologists to prove their status. If in doubt, ask to see the certificate, or contact the Institute by letter, telephone or email. If you wish, you will be sent a list of all registered members practising with the UK and Ireland.
Unfortunately, however, the current legal position in the UK is that anyone can set up a business or a clinic and call himself or herself a trichologist, with no training, no qualification, no experience, and no aptitude whatever. So, the point is, beware! there are some unscrupulous people around (as there are in any profession), and some so -called trichologists or hair consultants are not really trichologists at all.
Yellow Pages and other directories are not necessarily the most effective way to find a bona fide trichologist, and they may lead you to the very commercial clinics where the charges are often very high, where the proprietors are not members of The Institute of Trichologists, and where the Institutes Code of Ethics has never even been heard of, never mind adhered to! Of course, not all large commercial clinics are run by charlatans. So feel free to use directories, but you are strongly advised to check on the qualifications of the person you would be seeing_ and check whether he is or she is a member of The Institute of Trichologists.In your dealings with trichologist (as in any other field of business), please ensure that you fully understand any proposed course of treatment and the costs involved before you commit yourself: and if the fees quoted by one trichologist, or any other aspect of your diagnosis and treatment, is unacceptable, feel free to consult other registered trichologist, either for a second opinion or for a more competitive fee quotation.